Friday, June 15, 2012

Broken Pipes, House Fires, Shattered Glass-Earthquake Party

One of the primary disasters that puts residents of the Bay Area at risk is the potential for earthquakes. Furthermore, the risk that is faced by most Bay Area residents is the fact that we are still waiting for the next "big one" to hit, and most are not prepared for this event. So what can you do to minimize the risk to your home or business?

There are a few different things that you can do to make sure you limit the amount of damage and risk you expose your home or business to in such an event. Most of the prevention measures can be based on what you see going wrong in the event of an earthquake. For example,in the event of an earthquake, one of the objects that carry's the most risk to your home or business are the pipes in your home. Most pipes can break or twist causing leaks and sometimes even leading to flooding in your home or business. This can turn out to be one of the larger damages resulting directly from an earthquake. Related to this, any gas lines or propane lines that are not secure can also be viewed as a potential risk to your home. Many websites on earthquake safety will tell you to analyze 3 main points, they are: Hazard, Exposure and Vulnerability. These ideas can be implemented for your home and business to find and correct the risks that are lurking in your home.

To get you started on better earthquake safety, here are a few quick tips:

1. Secure gas lines and water lines in your home.
2. Use bracing systems for water heaters/dryers/washing machines.
3. Move electrical appliances away from edges (to prevent from falling over).
4. Secure book cases
5. Check the glass on your windows for any protective coating to lower the risk of the glass breaking into shards.
6. Have an earthquake preparedness kit ready in your home or business!

All of these tips were provided by resources available to all on the internet. Do your research and find new ways you can help prepare and protect your home/business from the risk of earthquakes. For more information check out the websites listed in this posting. For any emergency services related to property damage call us at 1-415-584-6100. We are available 24/7/365, especially when something goes wrong!

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